BIN: Hippoglossus hippoglossus
FR: Flétan
GER: Weißer Heilbutt
IT: Halibut / ippoglosso
ESP: Flétan / hipogloso
CRO-SRB: Konjski jezik
Ingredients (for many, many people):
1 x 5kg+ whole halibut
1. Fillet the fish into 3 quarter cut fillets. Those can be thrown on the barbecue, baked, braised, put in the smoker, made into a fantastic ceviche or cooked whichever way you prefer.
2. Keep the meat of the upper loin with the white skin attached to the bone and produce some fish chops and a tomahawk steak as shown in this reel.
3. Grill the halibut on your bbq skin-side down over high heat for two minutes, then raise the griddles and finish slow cooking, flipping once. Enjoy!