Episode 11

Striped Red Mullet / Surmullet


BIN: Mullus surmuletus
Fr: Rouget-barbet de roche
GER: Streifenbarbe / Rotbarbe
IT: Triglia di scoglio
ESP: Salmonete de roca
HR-SRB: Trlja kamenjarka

Ingredients (serves 2):

1 x 400g whole red mullet
1 large floury potato (Maris Piper)
Clarified butter or ghee
Potato starch or arrow root powder
2 egg yolks
1 small shallot
300ml fresh orange juice
150ml crème fraîche
150ml double cream
100ml Noilly Prat
3 sprigs of rosemary
50ml demi-glace


1. Fillet the fish as shown in this reel.


2. Using a mandoline, cut the potato into 1cm thin slices and cut out 2cm wide circles. Blanch for 2 minutes, chill and combine with 3-4 tablespoons of clarified butter and 1 teaspoon of starch.


3. Brush the fish skin with egg wash and arrange the potato slices like scales. Cover with a piece of parchment paper and let set in the fridge for 30 minutes.


4. In a saucepan, sweat the shallot and reduce the orange juice to a glaze. Add the Noilly Pray and reduce by 2/3. Pour in the cream mix and bring to a gentle simmer. Infuse the rosemary for 5 minutes and pass the sauce through a sieve.


5. Fry the fish fillets on parchment paper skin side down on medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Flip and finish cooking off the heat for 1 minute.


6. Pour the sauce onto a plate, place the fish fillet in the middle and finish with a few drops of demi-glace. Enjoy!!