Episode 14

Thicklip Grey Mullet


BIN: Chelon labrosus
Fr: Mulet lippu
GER: Dicklippige Meeräsche
IT: Cefalo bosega
ESP: Muble / lisa
CRO-SRB: Cipal putnik

Ingredients (serves 2):

1 x 700-800g whole grey mullet
500g vongole / palourde clams
350-400g spaghetti (spaghettini no 12)
3 sliced garlic cloves
3 chopped anchovies
1 red chilli
Chopped parsley
150ml white wine
50ml olive oil
Bottarga to taste


1. Prep and fillet the fish as shown in this reel. Salt the skin side only and keep in the fridge for 30 minutes. Pat dry off all the moisture.


2. Cook pasta until almost al dente, add a splash of the salted cooking water and cover with cling film.


3. Steam the clams with a little white wine and reserve with the cooking liquid (discard those that won’t open).


4. Place the fish skin side down onto a hot griddle plate, plancha or teriyaki. Grill for 8-10 minutes and flip onto a serving platter.


5. Heat the olive oil and carefully toast the garlic, add anchovies. Add the remaining white wine, clam juice and chilli. Reduce by 2/3. Add the parsley and pasta. Dress over the fish and enjoy!