
View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 49 (Part 1) - European Grayling•BIN: Thymallus thymallusFR: OmbreGER: ÄscheIT: TemoloESP: TímaloCRO-SRB: Lillian•Welcome to Lainston House, a true food lover’s retreat in Hampshire with its very own cookery school, where I...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍 Episode 48 - Atlantic Herring • BIN: Clupea harengus FR: Hareng GER: Hering IT: Aringa ESP: Arenque CRO-SRB: Haringa • Brathering: the traditional German fried and pickled herring recipe with delicious pommes Anna, or Anna potatoes. I have to give credit to chef Matthew...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 47 - Japanese Red Sea Bream•BIN: Pagrus majorFR: Dorade japonaiseGER: Japanische SeebrasseIT: Orata del GiapponeESP: Pargo japonésCRO-SRB: Japanski pagarJAP: Madai / tai•Sea bream sashimi! This is the most difficult filleting technique...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 46 (Part 2) - Stone Bass / Meagre•BIN: Argyrosomus regiusFR: MaigreGER: AdlerfischIT: Ombrina / bocca d‘oroESP: Perca regia / corvinaCRO-SRB: Hama•Grilled fish tail and fillet with two vinaigrettes.•Ingredients (serves 2):1 stone...

View on Instagram BIN: Argyrosomus regiusFR: MaigreGER: AdlerfischIT: Ombrina / bocca d‘oroESP: Perca regia / corvinaCRO-SRB: Hama•Matelote•Ingredients (serves 3):3 fish chops 3 king scallops3 langoustines 300g mushrooms300g pearl onions1 tsp honey2 shallots2 leeks3 garlic cloves 10 white peppercorns 1 bouquet garni750ml white...

View on Instagram BIN: Anarhichas lupusFR: Poisson-loupGER: Steinbeisser / Gestreifter SeewolfIT: Lupo di mareESP: Pez loboCRO-SRB: Morski vuk• Ingredients (serves 4):4 x 150g wolffish filletsMac n Cheese:300g pre-cooked macaroni25g butter25g flour500ml milk250ml creamSmoked paprika Garlic powder100g mozzarella 100g Leicester cheese 100g cheddar...

View on Instagram BIN: Conger congerFR: Congre / anguille de merGER: MeeraalIT: GrongoESP: CongrioCRO-SRB: Ugor• Ingredients (serves 4):500g cleaned conger eel meat (or monkfish)6 onions500g tomato passata4 garlic cloves 80ml brandy300ml fish or vegetable stock30g raisins30g roasted pine nuts150g paella ricePinch of...

View on Instagram BIN: Carassius auratusFR: Poisson rougeGER: GoldfischIT: Pesce rossoESP: Pez doradoCRO-SRB: Zlatna ribica• Ingredients: GoldfishFlourBaking powderSaltFrying oilWasabi mayonnaise Gochujang mayonnaise Yuzu mayonnaise Edible gold•Recipe:1. Gut and clean the fish as shown in this reel. 2. Dust the fish with a 50-50...

View on Instagram BIN: Raja undulataFR: Raie brunetteGER: MarmorrochenIT: Razza ondulataESP: Raya mosaicoCRO-SRB: Raža• Ingredients (serves 2): 1 skate wing portioned into two FlourButter (loads!!)Chopped garlicCapersLemon wedgesSplash of white wineChopped parsleyCroûtons•Recipe:1. Fillet the fish and skin as shown in this reel. 2. Dust...

View on Instagram BIN: Chelidonichthys lucernaFR: Grondin perlonGER: Roter KnurrhahnIT: Gallinella / capone gallinellaESP: Bejel / perlónCRO-SRB: Lastavica prasica• Ingredients (serves 2): 1kg whole gurnard250g peeled prawns / shrimp70g egg whites3g salt150g double creamGreen herb oilPrawn oil:250g prawn heads & shells1 red...