Rainbow Trout


BIN: Oncorhynchus mykiss
FR: Truite arc-en-ciel
GER: Regenbogenforelle
IT: Trota arcobaleno
ESP: Trucha arcoíris
HR: Kalifornijska pastrva

Ingredients (serves 1)

1 x 400-500g whole rainbow trout
30g flaked almonds
100g green beans
Butter (loads!!)
Flour for dusting
Splash of lemon juice


1. Gut and scale the fish and prep as shown in this reel, producing a lovely reverse-butterfly fillet (head on!).

2. Season and dust the skin side with flour, then pan fry on medium-high heat for 5-7 minutes on one side only. Remove from the pan and place on a serving plate.

3. Boil the green beans with a little butter in salted water for 8 minutes. Strain and keep warm.

4. Briefly roast the flaked almonds and add a generous amount of butter. Once it begins to foam, add a splash of lemon juice and keep on the heat until the butter turns golden brown, or “noisette”.

5. Dress the fish with the beans, spoon over the almond butter and enjoy!