Episode 58 (Part 2) – Yellowtail Amberjack
BIN: Seriola lalandi
FR: Sériole chicard
GER: Gelbschwanzmakrele
ESP: Jurel / medregal rabo amarillo
IT: Ricciola
CRO / SRB: Gof / orhan
JAP: Hiramasa / buri
PT: Arabaiana / tapireça
VAR: Kahala ‘opio / haku / kahu / remo remo
One of my all-time favourite recipes for ceviche: traditional Tahitian “Poisson Cru” presented in one of the most impressive and challenging fish filleting techniques – an inside out canoed fish.
Impeccably fresh hiramasa by: The Kingfish Company
Ingredients (serves 6):
1 x 2.5-3kg whole yellowtail amberjack
150ml lime juice
2 yellow bell peppers
4 tomatoes
1 large cucumber
2 shallots
400ml coconut milk
Banana leaves
1. Fillet the fish as shown in this reel.
2. Dice up the fillets and cure in the lime juice for 20 minutes and sieve off. Reserve the tiger’s milk / leche de tigre for@further use.
3. Combine the diced vegetables, coriander, the fish ceviche and the coconut milk.
4. Line the inside of the fish canoe with the banana leaves and fill the poisson cru. Enjoy!!!