
View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍 Episode 67 - Blonde Ray • BIN: Raja brachyura FR: Raie lisse / blanche lissé GER: Blondrochen ESP: Raya boca de rosa IT: Razza a coda corta SRB-CRO: Raza • Let’s be honest, this channel is more about butter than it is about fish,...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 66 - Golden Grey Mullet•BIN: Chelon auratusFR: Mulet doréGER: Gold-MeeräscheESP: Lisa dorada / galupeIT: Cefalo dorato / lotreganoSRB-CRO: Cipal zlatar• This is my take on a traditional Spanish recipe for seafood paella.Fresh...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 65 - Starry Smooth-Hound•BIN: Mustelus asteriasFR: Émissole tachetéeGER: Gefleckter Hundshai / GlatthaiESP: Musola dentuda / estrelladaIT: Palombo stellatoSRB-CRO: Pas mekuš / glušac• Fancy a sensational twist on a classic Ossobuco Milanese? Here’s...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 64 - Round Sardinella•BIN: Sardinella aurataFR: AllacheGER: SardinelleESP: Alacha / lachaIT: Alaccia / lacciaSRB-CRO: Srdela golema / velika• A great British culinary classic: Stargazy / Stargazey Pie! This dish originates from Cornwall,...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 63 - Haddock•BIN: Melanogrammus aeglefinusFR: Aiglefin / églefinGER: SchellfischESP: Eglefino / abadejo / anónIT: Eglefino / asinelloSRB-CRO: Vahnja• Fish fingers, fish n chips (without the chips), poisson “Colbert” or “en colère” -...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 62 - Rosefish / Ocean Perch / Rock Fish•BIN: Sebastes norvegicusFR: SébasteGER: Rotbarsch / GoldbarschESP: Gallineta nórdicaIT: Scorfano di NorvegiaSRB-CRO: Crveni bodečnjak / jauk• The most iconic fish burger of all time:...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 61 - European Flounder•BIN: Platichthys flesusFR: FletGER: FlunderESP: PlatijaIT: Passera pianuzzaSRB-CRO: Iverak / zlatopjeg• One of my all time favourite recipes for cooking fish and a legendary Escoffier era dish of French...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 60 - Pink Tuxedo Guppy•BIN: Poecilia reticulataFR: Guppie / poisson millionGER: Guppy / MillionenfischESP: Gupi / banderaBR: Barrigudinho• Blini canapés are perhaps the most versatile dish for cocktail parties and pre dinner...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 59 - European Sprat•BIN: Sprattus sprattusFR: Esprot / sprat GER: Sprotte / Breitliing ESP: EspadinIT: PapalinaCRO / SRB: Papalina• I love Mediterranean comfort food and nothing, and I mean nothing, beats crispy fried fish...

View on Instagram COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍Episode 58 (Part 2) - Yellowtail Amberjack•BIN: Seriola lalandiFR: Sériole chicard GER: Gelbschwanzmakrele ESP: Jurel / medregal rabo amarillo IT: RicciolaCRO / SRB: Gof / orhanJAP: Hiramasa / buriPT: Arabaiana / tapireçaVAR: Kahala ‘opio /...